About us
About us
DonorUA is an NGO and an automated blood donor recruitment and management system developed to promote the blood donor movement in Ukraine.
Our mission is to provide patients with blood and its high-quality components in a timely manner.
What we do
Engaging people to donate blood

Building community of the people united by common values

Providing consumables and equipment for blood centers

Funding blood transferring to the frontline

Key events
- 2024 - DonorUA and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine have signed a Memorandum of Cooperation to jointly promote the development of voluntary donation and ensure equal and timely access for patients to quality and safe blood components.
- 2023 (October) - Iryna Slavinska and DonorUA received an award from AABB, the world's specialized association for blood donation.
- 2023 (August) - the first 30+ teams in DonorUA for Teams;
- 2022 – receiving the status of "recommended by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine". This means that DonorUA cooperates with the Ministry of Health to develop the blood system of Ukraine;
- 2019 - participation in the blood system reform as a part of ukrainian eurointagration process;
- 2019 - the first open data on the need for donated blood - monitoring of blood centers' stocks (with government support);
- 2018 - the first record - we started finding donors in 20 minutes. At the start of the project, it took 2-3 days;
- 2016 - winning the Seedstars startup competition and acceleration;
- 2015 (March) - release of the first version of the system - opportunity to register as a donor and search for donors. The data of 1500 donors were uploaded to the system;
- 2014 (October) - winning the SocialBoost startup competition at the IDCEE international conference. The project received a grant of UAH 100,000 for the victory, which was spent on creating the first working version of donor recruiting system;
- 2014 (April) - DonorUA co-founders Iryna Slavinska and Oleksandr Krakovetskyi teamed up to create a platform that would help find blood donors quickly. It all started with an Excel spreadsheet with donor data.