Nearly 70 VIDI specialists donated blood supported by DonorUA

Nearly 70 VIDI specialists donated blood supported by DonorUA

2 February 2024, 15:55

On December 29, DonorUA organized a corporate donor day for VIDI. During the event, 68 people were blood donors for military and civilian patients. The blood collection team was from the Amosov Institute. The photos of the event are available here.

«In a single day, the VIDI team helped save up to 200 lives. Each dose of blood has the potential to help three patients. However, this is not just a one-time act of kindness. It is a step towards the culture of donation that DonorUA is promoting. We want to encourage people to donate not just when someone's life is threatened, but because it's the right thing to do. We are fighting a great evil today, but the habit of doing good serves us well even after we have won» commented the event Iryna Slavinska, co-founder of DonorUA and President of the All-Ukrainian Association of Donors of Ukraine.

68 donors means 30 liters of blood that can save lives. Each donation is an opportunity to give hope to three people in need of a transfusion. The development of a culture of donation is key to providing timely help for all of us.

«DonorUA and VIDI have partnered to develop corporate social responsibility and save lives together. This is a crucial and responsible mission. In Ukraine, only one-third of patients receive donated blood on time. In the context of a prolonged war, the demand for blood has doubled. Thousands of civilians, including children, need it, as well as the military, which is in constant need on the battlefield. According to statistics, one regular donor saves three lives,» says Vitaliy Dzhurynsky, founder of the VIDI Group.

Corporate Donor Day Event is a solution for businesses and government institutions to participate in the donor movement, promoting corporate social responsibility and a culture of donation in society. The funds raised here enable DonorUA to organize other thematic events, conduct educational activities, and transport donated blood to frontline regions.

You can arrange a corporate donor day for your company or register on DonorUA to become a donor yourself. You can also create your own donor team on the website and support DonorUA's activities financially. We are grateful to everyone who donates blood, donates money, participates in our initiatives, provides us with information, and helps develop the donor movement.
