Clothing That Saves Lives: DonorUA and FUIB Present the "We Are Of The Same Blood" Project at the Paris Olympics

Clothing That Saves Lives: DonorUA and FUIB Present the "We Are Of The Same Blood" Project at the Paris Olympics

5 August 2024, 10:33

The "We are of the same blood" project, from the FUIB, was presented in collaboration with DonorUA during Ukrainian Fashion Day at this year's Olympic Games in Paris, at Ukraine's media hub "Volia Space." The presentation featured Iryna Slavinska, CEO and co-founder of DonorUA (pics).

The project "We are of the same blood" has become a permanent social initiative of FUIB. It continuously provides for the needs of donor blood, the delivery of blood components to hot spots and the purchase of tactical medicine for Ukrainian defenders and civilians. According to global statistics, massive blood loss is the cause of 70% of deaths.

"From the first day of the war, clothes became an important element of identity for Ukrainians. A special subculture of patriotic merch appeared, which helped and helps convey meaning, especially for an external audience. When we started this project, we had no idea how difficult it would be. After all, we have to balance between two things at every turn: fashion industry trends and rules, on the one hand, and the social influence of this initiative, on the other. Every thing in the project is a way of manifesting values ​​and a conscious message of the person who chooses it," says Ksenia Sikorska, Marketing Director of FUIB Bank.

The project creates and produces Not Just Clothes, and transfers 50% of each order to public organizations, including DonorUA

“We use simple charitable philosophy: we buy a tourniquet from the order of one hoodie, a chest seal from a T-shirt, etc. The adaptive clothing for the wounded people is being sewn within this project at the expense of "Live to Meet" collection orders” - add project team.

“It takes 36 minutes to save someone with a massive blood loss. To ensure this help is provided on time, it’s essential not only to have timely blood supplies but to have them close enough to the frontline. That's why DonorUA delivers blood to the front line. We recruit people to donate blood, and this blood saves lives. The merch also saves lives, as its sales have funded 80 out of 100 deliveries of blood. Each delivery is a hope to save up to 1,500 lives” – says Iryna Slavinska, CEO and co-owner DonorUA.

During the Ukrainian Fashion Day, a new drop named "Volya" (in Ukrainian this word means both will and freedom) was presented, dedicated to iron willed persons - paramedics, volunteers, dog handlers, sappers and donors, as well as athletes, and artists. It is dedicated to everyone who continues to work without any "buts" and chooses not to give up. A font based on the Ukrainian font tradition was specially developed for the drop. Is it a coincidence that "Volya" drop articulates the same meanings as the official communication of Ukraine at the Olympic Games this year? Maybe yes, and maybe no. Volya is a 100% common trait of all Ukrainians.
