25 жовтня 2023 року, 00:00
DonorUA (as NGO) became one of 10 teams whose project won the Act to Support acceleration program from the EU-supported Eastern Europe Foundation. The organization will receive a grant to finalize the gamified tool DonorUA for Teams, which helps to create and develop its own community of blood donors.
DonorUA for Teams is a solution for team and corporate blood donation. It is a product useful for organizations of all sizes to unite active and potential donors into communities. The system can be used by companies, governmental and non-governmental organizations, volunteer and other initiative groups, sports teams or creative associations - every community that is ready to join the donor movement together.
"DonorUA for Teams is a solution that we have been working towards for several years. Prior to improve corporate donor days and group donations were carried out mainly on a volunteer basis, unsystematically and chaotically. With our solution, we can quickly evaluate the contribution of each group, organization, and donor, and scale up the involvement of existing and new donors in regular blood donations. With this decision, we confirm DonorUA's status as one of the most technologically advanced social projects and hope that this development will open the door for us not only to corporate clients in Ukraine," comments Oleksandr Krakovetskyi, co-founder and CTO of DonorUA.
The Act to Support program involved 20 civil society organizations. For several months, the teams were trained, finalized their ideas and worked with mentors and experts. As a result, 10 organizations were selected to receive funding to implement civic tech tools to support Ukrainians during the war. DonorUA is among them.
"The DonorUA for Teams product was developed primarily for businesses that develop corporate social responsibility. Today, businesses support Ukraine's struggle in various ways, and blood donation and its popularization are an essential component of our victory and well-being. However, DonorUA for Teams is not just about business: for any other community united by purpose and values, it is an opportunity to do an important thing in an organized way and gain new experience. Thank you for your faith in us and support!" comments Iryna Slavinska, co-founder of DonorUA and President of the All-Ukrainian Association of Blood Donors of Ukraine.
The Act to Support competition is held within the framework of the project "Phoenix: Strong Ukraine in Time of War" project implemented by the East Europe Foundation with the financial support of the European Union.